Just as we saw in 1860, the 1870 census does not experience radical changes. However, the place names in Colleton County have changed. Most of the Sauls families in Colleton County live in Verdier. This is the first census taken after the Civil War, and they are counting the number of adult males left in each state.
We have 8 households headed by someone with the last name Sauls, and Mary Sauls lives with another family. Lots of familiar names again, and where did all these Johns come from? My Grandpa (coincidentally named John Sauls) used to say that every Tom, Dick, and Harry's name is John.
As before, all of the people listed here were born in South Carolina, and they are all white.
- Mary Sauls, age 65, female (dwelling 89, family 89)
- In the household of Henry Martin
- Cannot read or write
St. Pauls
- Benjamin Sauls, age 51, male (dwelling 1168, family 1170)
- Occupation: farmer
- Value of personal estate: $500
- Male citizen over 21
- Anna, age 54, female
- Occupation: keeping house
- Cannot read or write
- Might have a mark for deaf, dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic
- Sarah, age 18, female
- Occupation: farm laborer
- Cannot read or write
- Might have a mark for deaf, dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic
- Margaret, age 16, female
- Occupation: at home
- Sarah A, age 9, female
- Charles Sauls, age 48, male (dwelling 124, family 128)
- Occupation: farmer
- Value of real estate: $2000
- Value of personal estate: $1400
- Male citizen over 21
- John S. Sauls, age 50, male (dwelling 147, family 151)
- Occupation: farmer
- Value of real estate: $800
- Value of personal estate: $250
- Cannot read or write
- Male citizen over 21
- Mary, age 42, female
- Occupation: keeping house
- Calvin, age 18, male
- Occupation: farm laborer
- Cannot write
- Pinckney, age 16, male
- Occupation: farm laborer
- Cannot write
- Rosa, age 16, female
- Occupation: farm laborer
- Cannot write
- Ada, age 14, female
- Occupation: farm laborer
- Cannot write
- Rufus, age 9, male
- Sarah, age 4, female
- John, age 9/12, male
- Birth month: Sept
- John Sauls, age 70, male (dwelling 152, family 156)
- Occupation: farmer
- Value of real estate: $300
- Value of personal estate: not listed
- Cannot read or write
- Male citizen over 21
- Anna, age 40, female
- Occupation: keeping house
- Cannot read or write
- Charley, age 7, male
- Thomas, age 5, male
- James Sauls, age 25, male (dwelling 395, family 412)
- Occupation: teamster
- Value of personal estate: $345
- Male citizen over 21
- Benjamin, age 20, male
- Occupation: teamster
- Male citizen over 21
- John Sauls, age 65, male (dwelling 572, family 589)
- Occupation: farmer
- Value of real estate: $400
- Value of personal estate: not listed
- Cannot read or write
- Male citizen over 21
- Ann Sauls, age 35, female
- Occupation: keeping house
- Cannot write
- Henry, age 7, male
- Thomas, age 5, male
- Benjamin, age 4, male
- Caleb Sauls, age 40, male (dwelling 22, family 22)
- Occupation: mail agent
- Value of real estate: $6000
- Value of personal estate: $1320
- Male citizen over 21
- Georgiana, age 28, female
- Occupation: keeping house
- Mary J, age 12, female
- Attended school within the year
- Davis A, age 10, male
- Attended school within the year
- Hattie J, age 8, female
- Attended school within the year
- Morgan L, age 6, male
- Edda G, age 4, female
- Sallie D, age 3, female
- David, age 4/12, male
- Birth month: Feb
- Isaac Sauls, age 38, male (dwelling 34, family 34)
- Occupation: merchant
- Value real estate: $1200
- Value of personal estate: $2200
- Male citizen over 21
- Mary A, age 26, female
- Occupation: keeping house
- Cannot read or write
- Isaac, Sr., age 82, male
- Cannot read or write
- Male citizen over 21
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